Saturday, November 6, 2010

Update: 11/6/10 11:30am (TX time)

bear with me, my thoughts are kind of everywhere today....

yesterday was quite an emotional day. Mom and I flew standby to San Antonio to be with Ronnie. We made it in around 2pm and were able to get our rental car and hotel with no problems.

Before we knew it we were in the burn ward gowning up from head to toe to go see Ronnie. He was very excited to see us and smiled and held my hand. The combination of emotions, sweltering heat, mask, and not eating made me have my first true moment of "I'm going to pass out..." My vision blurred, my legs went weak, and my hearing went hollow and I had to step out and sit down. Within a few minutes the nurses said I was getting my color back and let me talk to him from the door. then, when I proved I was able, they let me gown up and go back in for a couple minutes.

It was good to be able to talk with the doctors and therapists too. They asked me questions about his deployment and medical history and seemed excited that I understood most of the medical terminology and diagnosis. The assured us that there was a long recovery road ahead of us, but that he is strong and doing well. We know he will have good days and bad, but we have to just look at today. They also discussed some of the possibilities for Ronnie including a medical extension that could allow him to stay in Brooke Army Med Center and get the therapy he needs for an extended period of time.

After getting a quick dinner, Mom and I headed back to the hospital. I felt a lot better the next time around and was able to stay in the room without feeling faint. Ronnie's fever broke and we were able to talk to him for quite a while. His voice is soft and raspy and hard to understand. The poor boy would do anything for a glass of water too but is not able to swallow well enough to have one. Also, he seems to be confusing/blending event from his deployment, imagination, and hospital all into one big story and is frustrated that no one "understands" or believes him. We assured him that though things hurt, he is safe and very loved.

All to soon, we were saying goodnight and promising to return tomorrow. Which we plan to do in just a couple hours. Today Ronnie is supposed to get a bath, a little bit of physical and speech therapy, and hopefully will be sat up in his chair to make him more alert and help his lungs. Needless to say, Ronnie will probably be exhausted and could end the day with a fever, but will hopefully be all the better for it.

Thank you all for your prayers and for bearing with me in this scatterbrained update... it's kind of just where my head is at today.


Unknown said...

I just found your blog. I'm definitely going to pray for you both. Jesus is definitely a Healer & can heal his wounds. All you have to do is believe & pray. That's what I'm going to do. Take care.

Anonymous said...


These stories are breaking my heart..... know that I am praying for you and Ronnie and yalls family. I love you!
