Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update: 11/10/10 10:30pm

Collection of updates from today....

(9am) "Ronnie ran a fever over 103 last night. They changed his central line and use the tip to culture. He threw up again at 6:00, but it was not as much as last night. ( it wasn't contents from his feeding tube!) Unfortunately his oxygen levels dropped so they increased his levels! We love you all and thank you for caring for Ronnie and us!"

(1pm) "After looking at Ronnie's chest x-rays, they do feel like he aspirated last night. They are watching this but feel like the antibiotics he is on have it under control; will know for sure in about 24 hours. His stats are not quite as good and he is back on oxygen, but overall he is still doing well. They believe the nausea is due to some of the antibiotics he is on and will be changing some of those today to help alleviate the nausea. He is scheduled for surgery on Friday for more grafting."

(9pm) Ronnie is winding down after a long day. They have cut back on all but two of his medications to see if it helps his nausea. Only time will tell. They also changed out his nasogastric tube for a smaller one that the dr hopes will cause less nausea and irritation. Pray for a good night's rest so he can master tomorrow.

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