Saturday, November 20, 2010

God is SO Good

I am back down in Texas again with Ronnie. I can not tell you how good it feels to be able to hold his hand again. We had so much to talk about when I got in last night and he fought through his tiredness to make sure we had the time. We talked for a couple hours!

Today was a good day too but, just as yesterday, Ronnie has been very drowsy. He dozes in and our throughout the day no matter what he is doing. They got him up on his tilt table and slowly inclined him until he was standing. While his blood pressure did drop a little, he did a great job and managed to stay up for about half an hour. Afterward, they put him into his chair. I fed him his dinner a little bit ago too. He is on a puree diet, but it is kind of funny because they mash up all his food, then put it into molds to make it look like the food again! We got a kick out of that. Anyways, he managed to force down some mashed potatoes, some soup, and juice, but cleverly avoided the "meat." He did a great job on dinner. His nurse said it is the most he has eaten in quite some time!

I also wanted to take a minute and tell everyone how AWESOME God is. He has brought so many strangers into my life, each who have touched my life in the way only an angel could do. I was gifted plane tickets round trip from Indiana to San Antonio through an army affiliated organization. And while housing seemed out of the question, the day before my trip, a room opened up in the Powless house here on base across from the hospital! And on top of it all, the day I got into San Antonio, some amazing new friends connected me with a company car (a little Toyota Prius hybrid) to use for the remainder of my trip! But these are only a few of the "angels" that have touched my life recently. there are so many others...
*My work managers and co-workers who have granted me time off whenever needed
*Hospital volunteers who talk to and pray for me
*Friends who have sent notes and cards to me and Ronnie
*Military personnel who have made calls and gotten information for me
*Senators who have visited and encouraged Ronnie
*Family who have loved me and supported me to the ends of the earth
*Teachers who have graciously moved tests and assignments for me
*Advisers and department heads working with me on my school schedules to make them flexible
*And so, so many others...

It is almost overwhelming how incredible the body of Christ has been. Thank you Lord God for showing me your hand.

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