Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I know I can be a pretty opinionated person.  I think that is the curse of being able to talk before age 18 months.  But I know when to stop and I feel that arguments are a complete waste of time.  Why should I expect you to think like me??  
This whole Chick-fil-A drama has got people piping hot.  I'm  a little unsure why it is an issue at all.  Why should a company get slammed for having an opinion?  A wide spread one at that!?  And what happened to freedom of speech, separation of church and state, and tolerance (because really if you are refusing to eat at a christian restaurant that is willing to serve you, who is really being intolerant????)?  
As a Christian, I support that same view, but like Chick-fil-A, I'm not condemning or judging people who don't think like me (no one was EVER denied service for being gay!).  Now, DO NOT get me wrong on this.  I do not think truth is relative and that sin is only sin to some and fine for others.  I just think matters of the heart should be left to God because I for one am not qualified to pick a fight.  Besides, isn't HIS opinion ultimately the only one that matters?  I am a huge believer in God speaking to people and helping to convict them in their sin.  If someone is truly a Christian, I believe God will convict them.  That is not to say that I cant help shed a little light but it is to say that it is not my job to convince or convict.  I am commanded to love everyone, because maybe there is some truth in "being born gay".... afterall, we are ALL born sinners.  But that is not what we are called to be.  It is not our DNA.  We are called to be holy vessels of Christ and that cant be done if we are too busy arguing, fighting, and condemning.  
So.  All that to say, I went out today to support not only Chick-fil-A, but family values, freedom of speech, and moral standards.  But no, I am not being intolerant or judgmental.  In fact, I leave your sin with you and God, no matter what it may be.  But do me the honor of leaving me and my opinions alone too. 

PS~ Chick-fil-A has been an amazing contributor to the wounded warriors and their families in San Antonio as they provide free meals several time a month and walk the cow around the hospital to cheer up injured soldiers.  It was always a blessing to have that provided meal when we lived in a hotel room with no kitchen.  THAT has eternal value. 


Steve Finnell said...

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Kara Ashley Núñez said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Kristyn! this post was expressed very well!