Friday, August 1, 2014

A place where I belong.

It may seem like such a simple thing, but I feel incredibly blessed to have a place where I belong.  I've moved around a lot over the last ten years or so.  I've seen a lot of places, met some amazing people, and have had adventures and memories you wouldn't believe.  But since settling in Indy again two years ago, I finally feel like I have a place where I belong.  For the first time in a long time, I have a close knit group of friends who I can call and lean on in good times and bad.  We found a home church where we can grow and connect in ways I never imagined.  I have a job that, despite it's leadership, I love and feel like I am good at.  My family lives right up the road and I see them often.  And I am married to my best friend and we have our little fur babies that are just so much fun and bring so much life to our home.  I am cherishing these times because I know that life moves in seasons and that this one is particularly sweet.

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