Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summit- A Challenge to Surrender all

This week has been a Spiritual Emphasis week here at IWU called Summit. While all the messages this week have been wonderful, tonight's message was very powerful and impactful. The speaker, Dave Ward, spoke on the passage 1 Thessalonians 4. It is God's will that we as Christians be SANCTIFIED. What does that mean? Well Sanctification does not mean that we are flawless, free of temptations, resistant to sin, free from unintentional sin, or fully mature Christians. It does mean though that there is hope. We are called to life PURE life. When we sin in a particular area, we are then more vulnerable to that sin in the future; it is a "chink" in your armor so to speak. Secondly, the passage calls us to learn to love naturally. Instead of or inherant bent toward sin, we should allow God to bend us towards his love for ALL.

All this seems a little overwhelming and even impossible. But, as 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 says, the one who is calling us to be pure will make us pure.

What are you willing to sacrifice for sanctification; for the purity of Christ? What are you laying on the alter? Is it a relationship of present or past? Is it a habit, addiction, or willful sin? Whatever it is, GOD CAN FREE US OF IT.

Will you surrender all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow hun, I really liked this! Once again you have proven to be an amazing writer:) Sanctification is an ongoing lifestyle. It is the effort and continual change in a believer to be more Christlike. While we can never be perfect we need to be constantly surrendering our sins, passions, and desires to our Lord and Saviour. Thanks again for an amazing post <3