Friday, September 19, 2008

Freshman Initiation

Late Thursday night, around midnight, our Kem Hall leadership came into our room urging us all to QUICKLY come to the hallway exactly as we were; wet hair, P.J.s, tired eyes.... We were all escorted downstairs and out the front door. We were not alone however. not by a long shot. Our suite of 9 freshman girls was joined by every other freshman girl in Kem. We waited outside (well after our curfew) with anticipation for directions. Soon we saw the RA for each floor standing quietly in black dresses holding candles. We quietly walked to our R.A., Katie and followed her to the Student Commons. There we all given a light snack and punch. The object of the night? A quiet, subtle reminder that we are now women, beautiful women, even at midnight. It was a cute quiet little ceremony in that candle lit room so elegantly decorated. Our leader prayed for each one of us and handed us each a rose while quietly whispering, "YOU are beautiful." The night was unexpected, but lovely and God certainly used it to speak to the hearts of each young woman of Kem Hall.

Of course, what is a freshman initiation with out a little fun??? So we ran around brother dorm Scripture twice while yelling as loud as we could. LOL :-)

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