Thursday, November 24, 2011

ER Trip

Coming from warm Texas to frigid Indy seemed to shock my body. After only a day, I was developing a sore throat and within two days I could no longer talk. Knowing that my birthday and weekend were going to be busy and that I had less than a week until the wedding, Ronnie and I decided to go ahead and get me checked out at about midnight on my birthday, November 12th. I was kind of bummed to spend the night in the ER waiting room but in the end I was glad I did. The Doctor assured me that I was not contagious (a huge relief) and that instead I had something bacterial developing. Normally they would wait until something actually formed, but given our time crunch, they went ahead and treated me. Four shots later, 2 Penicillin, a steroid, and an anti-inflammatory pain med, I was discharged and already feeling better. My voice stayed week for the next week and a half, mostly just raspy in the evenings. Thankful everything could be taken care of early.

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