Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thank You!

"If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself--begin to have spiritual discernment...” from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for your love, prayers, support, letters and encouragement to me these past two years as I followed the Lord to the unknown waters of Georgia. RAD Ministries has certainly rocked my boat. God has used situations both fabricated by RAD and also through life circumstances to teach me more about himself and also more about myself. I have learned not only my strengths and weaknesses and seen myself in the most vulnerable of places, but have learned to live victoriously despite all that may or may not be around me. I do not claim to be “healed” or “fixed” as living for the Lord is a daily CHOICE that I am still learning to walk in. I do however feel equipped and ready for my next steps in life.

What exactly is next for me? At the moment, my family is reunited in Indiana for the summer. We are traveling around a little bit visiting family and friends. But the summer is floating steadily away and soon, I will be a freshman at Indiana Wesleyan University. School starts on September 2nd. I will be studying Medical Technology and Pre-Physical Therapy. I am very excited for this new step in my life as I know it is where God has specifically placed me. With it though, I know there will be new storms to weather, new people to meet, and new victories to win. My prayer is that I will be diligent in my studies, my devotion to the Father, my character, and in my social life bringing glory to my King.

As I begin this new phase in life, I am hoping to stay connected with my friends and “family” in Georgia and with RAD. I would like to ask for your continued prayers for the ministry as it begins the necessary preparations of office, finances, staff, and students for the coming year. Also, I am hoping to pay off the remainder of my RAD Internship Tuition before I start school in September. I still have a balance of $850 to be paid to RAD. If you are interested in supporting me in this area or would like to commit to praying for RAD on a regular basis, please let me know as soon as possible so I can send you more information. Thank you for enabling me to embark on such a great and fulfilling adventure of discipleship.Thank you all for blessing my life.

Kristyn ConcepciĆ³n

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristyn, your life is such an encouragement to me. The way you follow God whether to Costa Rica or RAD, you always do what feel God wants you to do. Keep on remembering that Gods will is perfect, no matter how crazy or random it might look, its still perfect and flawless. God has and is using your life as an example and testimony to me and others. Keep it up sweetie. <3