Monday, March 16, 2015

Ronnie's new job

Ronnie applied for an HR work study position at the Indy VA back in November or December.  The department was excited to hire him on, but the paperwork for his Voc Rehab education program required a mountain of documentation.  After over two months of frustrating hoops, it was nearly set up.  Just when things looked like they would finalize, Voc Rehab decided not to cover Ronnie’s next online school program.  This meant he would have to switch to the GI Bill.  The only catch: GI does not do work study.  Let the paperwork begin. 

Fast forward to the week before our trip.  Ronnie finally began working at the VA as an unpaid (volunteer) employee in HR.  The experience was worth the sacrifice, but the timing could not have been worse.  Between trying to sell our house and packing for vacation, there was not much free time to play with.  Regardless, he is loving his job and the potential it holds.  The people in his office love him and greatly appreciate his willingness to work as a volunteer.  They even said they hope to get him on as a PAID employee by the end of the month!