Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Puppy Proof

Well, we hit a bit of a milestone this week.  With Mom out of town and no one to puppy-sit, I had no choice but to leave Mia at home alone all day.  That is one large accomplishment in itself.  Ten hours is a long time for a pup to hold it.  I decided to leave Mia in her new large, soft-sided kennel so she would be able to stretch her legs a bit.  Well, she managed to get out; first via the zipper, then just straight through the side.  When I got home, she was VERY excited to see me.  I think she camped out by the door all day.  BUT this is the look I got when I went to go check her kennel....This is her, "I know I broke it...I'm in trouble" face.  Yup.  Nice large hole in the side of the kennel.  It took everything in me to keep a stern voice and not laugh.  The good news is though, she did absolutely no damage to the house therefore, she earned the privilege of staying out of her kennel while I'm gone from now on. I guess it's that or her tiny kennel since the large kennel is just not puppy proof enough....

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