Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Warrior's Weekend in Port O'Conner

We spent last weekend fishing in Port O'Conner. The whole town, as well as other surrounding towns, completely shut down. Busload after busload of wounded warriors and their families from all over the country arrived. We drove down with a fellow soldier from the burn unit and also a burn therapist on Friday night. The goal was to take an early morning fishing trip on Saturday to beat the heat of the sun which is painful to burns.

On Friday night, there was a huge opening ceremony in Victoria, TX. They honored the wounded warriors and fallen soldiers with a field of over 2100 flags each with the name of a soldier and a sponsor of the Warrior Weekend. After a bit of night fishing off the Marina Canal in Port O'Conner, we headed back to our lodge for a few hours of sleep.

We headed out to the Canal early Saturday morning. Our first trip out was with a guy named Charlie as well as with a small local camera crew. We caught several trout while we out in the Canal. It was a blast.

Because it was not too hot and the sun was hidden behind a blanket of overcast clouds, we decided to go out again at 9am. We ended staying out until the late afternoon. Our second trip was with Mike and Ronnie B., two guys we met back in San Antonio at the WFSC. They were a blast to hang with and on top of it, we got to stay with Paul and Heather (the fellow soldier and therapist). We were on a Red Fish catching spree in the canal and even the dolphins seemed excited. After a day of activities, food, and fun with friends, we headed back to San Antonio with more than 14 fish to show for it. :)

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