Thursday, March 24, 2011

Starting Convalescent Leave

So I have been scolded for not writing in so long. In my defense it has been a whirlwind few weeks and I don't even know where to start.

Ronnie and I were granted thirty days of leave away from BAMC to visit with family. We had been wanting to take leave for a while but once the paper work started on Friday, March 25th, it was only a matter of days before we were flying home to Indiana (I think we only had about a twelve hour heads up once we bought plane tickets!).

But before we could leave, we had to pack... and when I say pack, I mean THE WHOLE HOTEL ROOM that we have been living in for the past three months... That was an unexpected adventure in itself, but thanks to some amazing new friends, everything is safe in storage in San Antonio and the adventure could begin.

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