Friday, August 20, 2010

Uncharted Waters

There are 2 days left of summer. Just 2. Hard to believe I start classes this Monday! But looking back on this past summer, I cannot help but realize how much things have changed and how much I have accomplished. I know that God has had his hand in each and every detail of my life this summer even when my life seems to be spinning faster than I can control. Here is a brief list of my summer:

1. Ronnie came home on May 15th and proposed to me that night. Magical.
2. Ronnie and I took a road trip to Oklahoma to visit his extended family and friends.
3. My sister Shelby graduated high school. Now I feel old.
3. In June, Ronnie began his year long deployment in Afghanistan. He has already seen many hardships and has scars to prove it.
4. I helped my family move into their beautiful new house in late June.
5. And so marked the beginning of my life in my own place. I've been busy decorating and organizing the condo since then. :)
6. I got my first "real job" as a hostess at Harry & Izzy's downtown. I love it.
7. I began summer courses as a transfer student at IUPUI.
8. I successfully completed a 12 page research paper on the war in Afghanistan.
9. I have been able to touch base with old friends from way-back-when and make new friends here in Indy.
10. Shelby left for Grove City College in Pennsylvania early this week to begin her new adventure as a high school grad.

In addition to all the "big" things that have happened this summer, there have been countless little events that have made this summer simply spectacular. With life heading in an uncharted direction, I am excited to see where this new school year takes me.

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