Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update on Ronnie

In some ways there was a lot of progress today, but in other areas, we are still waiting. Ronnie had a spinal tap this afternoon. Although painful, the doctor said it was necessary to rule out and confirm several different things. We are still waiting to hear the results. I know a lot of people have asked about whether a stroke has been considered or ruled out. According to the doctor, a stroke has been ruled out. Ronnie was also able to see a therapist who gave him exercises for his still limp arm to help him regain some strength. The doctors also talked of the possibility of transferring him to a military hospital a few hours away later in the week. For now, the tests continue. All we can do is pray that with each test, the doctors are one step closer to a diagnosis.

In addition, Ronnie's mom, dad, and brother arrived to the hospital a couple hours ago.

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